Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Principle design had done.
Applied Principle design to your Steampunk. .O.O



PUNK (rock)
First thing that come to my mind when i heard Steampunk.
when I key into the computer, I found this.
From those pictures, I realize there have something are similar.
The design is more like old mechanical steam and some objects to fix with gear.
Go through the research, actually, Steampunk stories may take place in the Victorian era but include advanced machines based on 19th century technology, include the supernatural as well ,include the advanced machines, but take place later than the Victorian period.
 There are probably plenty of other combinations.
Who's Know?!
Victoria Era-The Victorian era of British history was the period of Queen Victoria's reign from 20 June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901.
    I'm interested in both of this pictures and they inspired me for my Steampunk.
The Left hand side
The center
The right hand side

When doing steampunk, my idea was came from the word of ''Beauty'' and ''Fantasy''. I want to create something they have private space and more indoor. I chosen for drawing indoor is represent the Inner of world and showing the beauty rather than outsider's world.Besides, give us more protection and safety. I'm using many kind of machines technique can show the world keep changing to be more better and time fly. Go through the Principle design, the staircase is emphasis and the main focus for the drawing. Staircase represent it will bring you to the better place and lead you to the future.

Principle of design
  • Emphasis- Staircase
  • Unity and Variety- the shape of object the surrounding
  • Balance-Both side are equal and same attention to viewer
  • Repetition- The design of Staircase

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