Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dutch graphic artist

During last semester, i had see this drawing from one of the book that i borrowed but i never take notice who are the artist and just simply take note and i found something amazed from the drawing. The drawing can be see different angle. Every one of the angles conveys the people who walking up and down on staircase.
the drawing inspired me that every piece of drawing its doesn't have to look formal and we can play around different angle. According to the drawing, it also applied mathematical physic. It can make the drawing look more interesting and spectacular. There have some of example.
M.C Escher

-was a Dutch graphic artist. He is known for his often mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints. These feature impossible constructions, explorations of infinity, architecture, and tessellations.

Now, our lecturer briefs us a new assignment which is called tessellation. The requirement of the tessellation is applied the gestalt principle design that we had learn from last assignment. There have 6 tessellation we have to finish.

  1. Tessellation in FIGURE AND GROUND
  2. Tessellation in CLOSURE
  3. Tessellation in PROXIMITY
  4. Tessellation in SIMILARITY
  5. Tessellation in CONTINUITY
  6. Tessellation in ALIGNMENT

Tessellation is the process of creating a two-dimensional plane using the repetition of a geometric shape with no overlaps and no gaps. Tessellation frequently appeared in the art of  M.C ESCHER. So, i were refer on his work based on the requirment of the assignment.

Tessellation in FIGURE AND GROUND

m.c.escher: bull dog tessellation

Based on the drawing, we can see the idea of positive and negative forms alternately commanding equal amount of attention. This is also known as positive space or negative space interchange. There is no gaps and overlaps in the picture BUT from the drawing below, there is one of the tessellation from him.
The black color is a bird with feathery wings passes a hedgehog which is formed on the white color. There is no gaps and overlaps as well because both are formed different shape.
My tessellation in figure and ground is using liquid as motif 

criteria : symmetrical, no gaps, dynamic / static, rhythm

Black color- represent liquid shape

white color- represent diamond shape


Tessellation in CLOSURE

Interlocking cat & dog tessellation pattern art by Alper

The principle of closure applies when we tend to see complete figures even when part of the information is missing. 

so for my tessellation in closure, I'm using face as motif

criteria: symmetrical, dynamic, no gaps, rhythmic

Brown color- represent side face of female

white color- represent side face of male

Tessellation in PROXIMITY

Circle Limit 1 by M.C ESCHER
Based on the criteria of tessellation in Proximity, there are symmetrical, repetitive, perspective dynamic / emphasis, no gaps.
The bird is slightly become more smaller and perspective is formed, the circle shape is formed dynamic as well and the shape of bird is repeating and no gaps involved.
so I was refer the masterpieces of him, there are showed all the criteria on above and I'm using wheel as my motif.
black and white color- four edge of shape

Tessellation in SIMILARITY

M.C ESCHER: The black man looks sad while the white man is laughing.
M.C.ECSHER : Green women with layered skirts dancing past blue women dancing the other way.

The principle of similarity states that things which share visual characteristics such as shape, size, color, texture, value or orientation will be seen as belonging together.

From the both drawing on above, consider similarity because there share visual characteristics of shape and size. Thus, they will be seen as belonging together.

 Flame as my motif to represent heat for my tessellation in similarity
criteria : symmetrical, contrast, no gaps, dynamic , no overlaps
black color- the shape will slight look similar to the red color which is represent flame
red color- represent flame
Tessellation in CONTINUITY

The edge of one shape will continue into the space and meet up with other shapes or the edge of the picture plane.

by Cannon-Thurston

according to the drawing, the shape is continuity and repeating. It shown the two shape is meet each other and tend to continue shape beyond their ending point.

I was using 'run' as my motif for my tessellation in Continuity.

brown and red color - represent running action


Tessellation in ALIGNMENT


alignment is lining up objects to organize and form groups.


Kangaroo and Continent by Bruce Bilney

I was choosing buffalo as my motif for the tessellation. 

blue color and green color- represent buffalo

red color- creat a love shape when the both buffalo combine together

Overall for my tessellation, i found that every tessellation actually is exploring the exercises of figure and ground. When we add more details on our tessellation is look more amazed and interesting. No matter how i have learn a lot of things from this assignment and have fun to do it.

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