Thursday, September 27, 2012

Contextual Studied 1



''self-portrait is a representation of an artist, drawn, painted, photographed, or sculpted by the artist. Although self-portraits have been made by artists since the earliest times, it is not until the Early Renaissance in the mid 15th century that artists can be frequently identified depicting themselves as either the main subject, or as important characters in their work. ''- BY WIKIPEDIA.

From the research of self portrait, i properly can understand but i have saw many 'painting' portrait.

Why any artist interested in portraiture should paint self portraits.
or Painting self portrait is traditional or a style?

SO, i have do some research about it.
here are what i found again.

Those are the comments from peoples and show their different point of you on this problem.

  1. “If you cannot capture the essence of your own self, how are you to capture the essence of someone else?” -- Art Consultant Bridget Brown, London
Bridget Brown, International Art Consultancy

2.                There is a unique psychological thing that takes place when you look into your own eyes and face and paint your own portrait. Your own face suddenly becomes a mirror to your soul, the real you, and strange things happen as you paint. I would recommend it to anyone in pursuit of the prize, ‘know thyself’. Do it often, you will be amazed at what you discover about yourself.- Gary O
From another understanding of self portrait, self-portrait may be a portrait of the artist, or a portrait included in a larger work, including a group portrait. Many painters are said to have included depictions of specific individuals, including themselves, in painting figures in religious or other types of composition. Such paintings were not intended publicly to depict the actual persons as themselves, but the facts would have been known at the time to artist and patron,eating a talking point as well as a public test of the artist's skill.
Different type of portrait that i found.
File:Sandro Botticelli 085.jpg
Sandro Botticelli's painting of the Adoration of the Magi has an "inserted self-portrait". The position in the (right) corner, and the gaze out to the viewer, are very typical of such self-portraits.
File:Resurrection detail.JPG
Piero della Francesca as a sleeping soldier in his Resurrection, 1463, fresco, Sansepolcro.
File:Chagall IandTheVillage.jpg
Marc Chagall, I and the Village, 1911, oil on canvas
this drawing was sharing his life in village.
Doing reserch of self portairts, as we know every portrait could be drawing, collage, sculpting, traching and many more.
Moreover, some of portraits inspired but music and throught the drawing we may find out the artist's feeling when doing the portrait.
Painting is not only for portrait as well as photo- portrait.
what does mans photo-PORTRAIT?
Photo- Portrait
  • Two methods of obtaining photographic self-portraits are widespread
  • One is photographing a reflection in the mirror
  • photographing one's self with the camera in an outstretched hand.
Here are the example
 Animation of the "Revolving" selfportrait by Nadar.
File:'Photo-Transformation', Polaroid SX-70 print by Lucas Samaras, 1973, Getty Museum.jpg
'Photo-Transformation', print by Lucas Samaras
From the whole research, i wll choose photo- portrait as my self portrait.
My PORTRAIT up coming!

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